🎬Roadmap to Civility🎬

I had the honor of presenting for Workplace Suicide Prevention and Postvention Committee of the American Association of Suicidology. 

In my presentation, I focused on the dignity protection guiding principle: Workplace can prevent despair and promote healing by fighting against bullying, harassment, discrimination and prejudice and can uphold dignity with collaborative and respectful reintegration.

I provide practical information and guidance on how companies need to be prepared to instill dignity protection for all employees: 

➡️Disrupt uncivil and microaggressions early. 

➡️Research shows that the strongest predictor of workplace harassment is the degree to which an organization’s climate communicates tolerance of harassment. Be proactive, as opposed to reactive, and call for change within the culture of the organization.

➡️Create comprehensive plan to foster a culture of psychological safety and civility and inclusion.